the video

i tried to upload the complete animation but it failed. so, i'll upload it later. maybe by using my youtube account. 
so don't forget to subscribe!

[ I LOVE EGG ] pt 6 - scenes (in the story) review

short review for each plot/scene in the animation.

bank scene
robbery scene
escape/racing scene
batman vs spiderman on the train scene
rocketman scene
dead egg scene /ending

[ I LOVE EGG ] pt 5 - starting with timeline / scene

in this animation, we didn't use multiple scene. we just made the whole things in single scene. it's because we've found out that using multiple scene isn't easy for us. we might have sound problems later. and will need lots of actin script. deciding in a single scene is the better way.

[ I LOVE EGG ] pt 4 - background and items

in this animation, we have many of items as the props for the clips. and each of them were drawn separately. ok, im not gonna post every single items in there. i'm gonna listed them out down here, so you can check them out in our animation later.

props :

2.table counter
3.counter machine
4.number in counter machine
12.traffic light
14.batman weapon

this is my favorite so far, as you can see.. the coloring is superb! it looks like a real gun. Amsal really good at this. credits to him people! :)

[ I LOVE EGG ] pt 3 - the whole character

here are the characters in the clip.

the lady customer
batman (villain egg)
spiderman (police egg)
rocket egg (police egg)
rocket egg (villain egg)

the 2 bank accountant were drawn in the stage. it's not in the library cause we didn't use the character much. together with the first egg customer.

[ I LOVE EGG ] pt 2 - basic character drawing

creating " Police Egg " character.

mostly the drawing of this animatin are based on the original one. we just make a print screen of the clip and trace it. so here's one.

this is the look of "Police Egg" basic form.

this is how it looks like for 'police egg' transformation into "police motorcycle" character in side view.
each part of them are separated. for the tires, we convert it to movie clip.
so it can be spinning while the character is moving.

creating " Villain Egg" character.

the basic "villain egg" is simple. the character need to wearing a mask. the basic for "police egg" also a simple drawing. they become a bit hard to draw when they transform to other form. that i'll show you later in the next posts.
this is how its looks like for the "villain egg" character. look simple but each part of it are separated. 

this one is for the "villain egg" in transformation into "motorcycle egg" one. as other drawing, this also drawn separately. the body is converted to graphic while the tires converted to movie clip.

the original I LOVE EGG

well, our final project based on an original flash animation on youtube. Here it is, take a look at this. this one is not the origin one, it might be the other version made by amateur animator. well, it still have the same concept here. check this out. :)

final project [ I LOVE EGG]

First thing first, creating the object that will be used in the animation.
this is the example of one of the objects; tree. 
there will be a lot of trees in this animation but, the great things about Flash is, u just need to build one object and
you just simply used it for many times.

Animation.. Anime? 2D animation??

Is a process of bringing something to life. A process of producing many images or objects to make it look alive and dynamic.

"rapid display of sequences of images in order to create an illusion of movement"

Definition of animation originated from Japan :)

The creation of moving pictures in a two-dimensional environment, such as through "traditional" cel animation or in computerized animation software. This is done b sequencing consecutive images , or "frames", that simultate motion by each image showing the next in gradua progression of steps. The eye can be "fooled" into perceiving motion when these consecutive images are shown at a rate 24 frames per second or faster.

Welcome to our 2D animation Blog!

this blog is about our 2D animation project progress, which is Sir Ahmed will refers to our blog to evaluate our works.

p/s : sorry for the bad english. i'm still working on it :D

▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀ Get to know us ▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀

name : nurul farhana zainoldin a.k.a akie
ic number : 890217-01-5084
student id : 01-200910-00136
Diploma Multimedia Application (sem5)
2D animation D0144

name : Amsal bin Matin
ic number :
student id :
Diploma Multimedia Application (sem5)
2D animation D0144

name : Nor Hazlina Hassan
ic number :
student id :
Diploma Multimedia Application (sem5)
2D animation D0144

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